Friday, April 27, 2012

Laughter, Smiles, & Me

I love the smell after rain but am really not a fan of the rain.
I become emotionally involved with TV and book characters.
I am pretty sure stepping on a Lego is one of the most painful things ever.
I believe all my dreams will come true.
I want to go to Chicago because all the famous people who live there seem to love it.
It drives me crazy when people use improper grammar while texting.
I am completely scared of birds but will probably have a bird feeder at my future home.
Chips and Ketchup is probably one of the best combinations of all time.
I believe you should never go a day without laughing.
A letter has the ability to make my entire week.
I completely believe in soulmates and believe it is a bond that is impossible to break.
I choose to love every second of my life.
I am who I am.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stay true to you.

What else matters?
This is my goal daily.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Box Full of Sunshine

Yes you read it right.
I made a Box Full of Sunshine.
Who wouldn't want to receive a Box of Sunshine?
I know making sure has left a smile on my face.
Now the goal of course is for The Missionary's smile to grace his face when he opens it.
I am pretty confident that this package will succeed.
The Missionary is even more obsessed with Sunshine than I am.

This is how I did it:

Step #1-Buy a Bunch of Random Yellow Things.
(You could also mix in oranges and reds if you wanted.)

Step #2-Create Sunshine Confetti
(This is where you could get ultra creative if you wanted.)

Step #3-Compile all into a box.
(It could be any box you wanted. I used a Flat Rate Priority Mailbox)

And there you have it folks,
All it takes is a simple 1 2 3
And you have yourself a Box Full of Sunshine!
How fun is that?!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Love These Days

I love Sundays.
Every single one is always filled with such bliss.
I always seem to learn something new.
There is always something beautiful that happens.
The day just always ends on such a lovely note.
God gave us Sundays for a reason.
For that, 
I am so grateful!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Definitely the song of today.
Do you know what is a beautiful thing?
When you're told that this song is how someone feels about you.
I was enchanted to meet you.
Such a beautiful statement.
Great word choice.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Made my Day!

While I was at the Deseret Book with my lovely Grandmother,
I came across this...
Yes dear friends,
That is a cookie cutter in the shape of Utah.
Well how could I resist such a fantastic find?
Obviously I couldn't.
So what did I do?
I bought a Sugar Cookie Mix.
Made it look all cute.
Put it in a box.
And sent it off to Connecticut.
Why you ask?
Well I knew that nobody would understand my excitement about a Utah Cookie Cutter like The Missionary would.
Of course I was so excited about it all as I am with every package!
But this one tops them all.
Do you know why?
This is why.
I received this photo from The Missionary himself.
He actually made the cookies with the cookie cutter!
Yes this picture did in fact make my day.
He's definitely a keeper.