Sunday, June 3, 2012

Miss you.

Missing someone is truly a magical experience.
Having someone to miss is a beautiful thing.
Just the fact that your heart beats for someone in such a way.
A way that is impossible to explain.
A way that makes it worth the heartache their absence brings.
It shows that you have something real.
It's raw. It's deep. It's true.
It's beautiful.
It's an impossible passion to describe. 
I miss you.
I cannot wait to see you again.

Friday, June 1, 2012


I am feeling very blessed.
I am feeling very happy.
I have a job that I love.
I have a wonderful supportive family.
I know how it feels to love and be loved.
I have beautiful friends inside and out.
The weather is perfect.
I never go a day without laughing.
Oh so very blessed.

Thursday, May 31, 2012


Sometimes you just know exactly what I need to hear.
Thank you for that.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Two Simple Things

I am not really sure why we complicate this so much.
Why do things if they don't make us happy?
Why do things simply because that is what we are expected to do?
Expectations will ruin you if you let them.
Don't let them.
Live for yourself.
Live for your God.
Just live.
Don't live for other people.
Live for you.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

What a beautiful day

And that it did. 
This day was perfect in every way.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Messy && Beautiful

while we...

As of late,
I have been grateful that I have hair long enough to have the possibility of messy hair.
A bun thrown on up on the right side of my head has started to make a daily appearance.
No, not always a all day daily appearance,
Sometimes it just doesn't get much better than pulling up your hair and getting it off your neck.
Sometimes that is just the best feeling in the entire world.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

One, Two, and Three.

There are millions and millions of words in this lovely English language of ours.
We all use many, many different words on a daily basis.
What is rather intriguing though is how powerful these words are.
Sometimes it takes a whole paragraph of words to get our point across.
Other times an essay worth of words simply cannot come together properly.
Most of the time, however, it is simply three words that changes everything.
Oh my goodness!
Shows that someone is excited and flabbergasted all at the same time.
What's going on?
A super common conversation starter.
Time for Dinner!
Something we have all heard from our Mother's multiple times.
I miss you.
A simple heart wrenching statement to make or hear every time.
I hate you.
The three word statement that just rips through you.
I love you.
The best three word statement of all time.

Three words can change the direction of someone's day and mood.
Today my day was made by three simple words.
You never know who's day you might brighten.
Let us all use our words wisely.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Laughter, Smiles, & Me

I love the smell after rain but am really not a fan of the rain.
I become emotionally involved with TV and book characters.
I am pretty sure stepping on a Lego is one of the most painful things ever.
I believe all my dreams will come true.
I want to go to Chicago because all the famous people who live there seem to love it.
It drives me crazy when people use improper grammar while texting.
I am completely scared of birds but will probably have a bird feeder at my future home.
Chips and Ketchup is probably one of the best combinations of all time.
I believe you should never go a day without laughing.
A letter has the ability to make my entire week.
I completely believe in soulmates and believe it is a bond that is impossible to break.
I choose to love every second of my life.
I am who I am.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stay true to you.

What else matters?
This is my goal daily.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Box Full of Sunshine

Yes you read it right.
I made a Box Full of Sunshine.
Who wouldn't want to receive a Box of Sunshine?
I know making sure has left a smile on my face.
Now the goal of course is for The Missionary's smile to grace his face when he opens it.
I am pretty confident that this package will succeed.
The Missionary is even more obsessed with Sunshine than I am.

This is how I did it:

Step #1-Buy a Bunch of Random Yellow Things.
(You could also mix in oranges and reds if you wanted.)

Step #2-Create Sunshine Confetti
(This is where you could get ultra creative if you wanted.)

Step #3-Compile all into a box.
(It could be any box you wanted. I used a Flat Rate Priority Mailbox)

And there you have it folks,
All it takes is a simple 1 2 3
And you have yourself a Box Full of Sunshine!
How fun is that?!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Love These Days

I love Sundays.
Every single one is always filled with such bliss.
I always seem to learn something new.
There is always something beautiful that happens.
The day just always ends on such a lovely note.
God gave us Sundays for a reason.
For that, 
I am so grateful!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Enchanted by Taylor Swift.
Definitely the song of today.
Do you know what is a beautiful thing?
When you're told that this song is how someone feels about you.
I was enchanted to meet you.
Such a beautiful statement.
Great word choice.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Made my Day!

While I was at the Deseret Book with my lovely Grandmother,
I came across this...
Yes dear friends,
That is a cookie cutter in the shape of Utah.
Well how could I resist such a fantastic find?
Obviously I couldn't.
So what did I do?
I bought a Sugar Cookie Mix.
Made it look all cute.
Put it in a box.
And sent it off to Connecticut.
Why you ask?
Well I knew that nobody would understand my excitement about a Utah Cookie Cutter like The Missionary would.
Of course I was so excited about it all as I am with every package!
But this one tops them all.
Do you know why?
This is why.
I received this photo from The Missionary himself.
He actually made the cookies with the cookie cutter!
Yes this picture did in fact make my day.
He's definitely a keeper.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Such A Lovely Day it is

Oh my goodness!
Today is March 29, 2012.
Do you know what that means?
The Missionary has been gone for 18 months.
Better yet...
The Missionary comes home in 6 months!
Can you even stand it?  I cannot! 
So excited to see my best friend so soon!
6 months!
How lovely is that?

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Psychological Fact.

Well whether this is true or not,
I have been dreaming about the same person for days in a row.
Dear Person of my Dreams,
Guess what?
I miss you too.
Love, Me

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


So I send packages to The Missionary rather often.
Today's package was full of balloons.
Balloons full of air and a message.
Messages from me, my family, his sister, friends, etc.
Who wouldn't want a package full of balloons?
I cannot think of anyone.

Also who doesn't love a good quote from the one and only Winnie the Pooh?
He is Oh so very wise in my opinion!

Let's just hope those balloons stay inflated for the trip to the CT.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Fight for it!

Yes, I am a complete hopeless romantic.
I believe in true love.
I believe that once you find it, it changes your life.
Fight for true love.
I promise you this,
It is worth the fight.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Boy Meets World!

Boy Meets World.
Watched it my whole childhood.
It ran from 1993-2000.
Today, March 6, 2012,
I watched the Finale.
Cannot tell you how long it has been since I have seen it.
Tears. Tears. Tears.
The whole episode.
Best Show Ever!

Oh and don't you worry,
I have successfully converted my 13 year old brother.
He is obsessed.
There is hope for the younger generation.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Happy Birthday!

Thank you for spending your birthday with Ellen!
Thanks for letting us all watch and celebrate with you!
Happy Birthday!
Welcome to adulthood!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Passion of the Day

I have been searching for passion lately.
Trying to find those things that bring pure joy.
Today I found joy in cooking.
The Motha had a super long day at work today,
So I decided to have dinner awaiting for her.
We've been on a health kick for the past couple of days,
So I had to find an ultra healthy food option.
Here is the meal of today!
I decided to make some delcious Tilapia.
Yummy green beans and brown rice to go along with it.
And for dessert...
Fabulous Whole Grain Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins.
The muffins are only healthyish but they are delicious.
I am not going to lie; I love cooking!

I am grateful to be challenged to find passion daily.
Today I found passion in cooking.
Not just cooking but healthy cooking.
Passion is a hard thing to come by,
So when you find it in something you just have to run with it.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Compliments :)

My day was made today by...
The cute boy who was marking tickets at Parade of Homes house #25.
He was the wonderful stranger who I had the pleasure of coming into contact today.
He gave me the most pleasant of compliments.
He complimented my outfit.
He told me he thought I looked like a pirate.
He told me that he really liked it.
He made me smile today.
I truly love that he was confident enough to tell me what he thought.
It was refreshing and completely fabulous.
He made my day today.
A simple compliment truly can go a long way.
Let us all have the confidence to pay people compliments.
If they come to our thoughts,
Then we really should just say them out loud.
You never know...
You might just make someone's day.

Friday, February 24, 2012


There are so many different roads that we could possibly take in this life.
How do we choose?
Better yet...
How do we choose the right path for us?
I am not completely sure how we figure everything out.
What I do know though is this...
We have to pray about it.
Pray to your higher power.
We cannot do this alone.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Be Different, Be You!

Have you noticed how everyone is trying to "fit in"?
Have you noticed how everyone wants be anyone but themselves?
Why is that?
Why would people want to be anyone but the wonderful person that they are?

Be You!
You are beautiful!
You are wonderful!
You are the most amazing person in the entire world!
Don't ever tell yourself anything different,
Because anything different is NOT TRUE!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

A Day for Lovers

Valentines Day.
What is a girl to do?
You cannot be a distraction.
I am not going to just avoid Valentine's Day.

So I decided to make this.

Each card has a different thing that I absolutely adore about him.

By far, my most favorite gift I have ever made.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mondays :)

There is just something about Mondays :)
I am in love with them!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Impulsive much?

Well let me just say how today is such a fantastic day.
The sun is shining and it's gorgeous.
Do you know what I discovered today?
The thrill of impulse purchasing.
Now I do not think of myself as much of a shopper at all.
I am thrifty with my money.
But boy oh boy!
Today I impulsively made some purchases.
And do you know what the best part is?
The money was a birthday present from back in November.
Do you know what that means?!
The money was supposed to be spent on something fantastic.
I am pretty sure that is helping the thrill to be even better.
Man! What a great day!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Just sing it.

Sometimes you run across a song that expresses everything perfectly.
It doesn't require any commentary or prelude.
It just literally says exactly what needs to be said.
This song does just that.

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 :)

It's a new year.
I am already loving it.
I am certain this year is going to be the best so far.