Today I had lunch with my roommate from last year.
When we were roommates,
We didn't necessarily see eye to eye.
We weren't really friends.
We would talk here and there.
We coexisted well enough for sure.
It has been a good 7-8 months since we lived together.
And you know what is funny?
We had a great time.
We chatted all about everything.
We got completely caught up with each other's lives.
We laughed and just enjoyed our delicious Kneaders sandwiches.
I am so glad that I ran into her on the bus the other day and that we decided to have lunch.
Growing up is a funny thing.
You learn to not care about silly pointless teenage drama.
You learn to really let bygones be bygones.
I love have moments like this.
Moments that really show that I am growing up.
Moments that show that I am growing as a person.
Growing into the woman that I want to become.
Because that really is what this life is all about.
Growing into the best people we can be.
I love seeing that I am making progress.