Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Don't you love how one person can make your whole day?
Missionaries have a way of doing that.
Our Christmas phone call was simply splendid.
His email today was perfect.
He is my very best friend
He is that person that I could spend hours talking to and never run out of something to say.
Everyone deserves to find that.
"Lucky I'm in love with my best friend."

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Everything is falling into place.
Everything is perfect.
Simply couldn't be happier.
It's a beautiful thing.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Let's Do THis

I did it!
I have officially moved out of Logan!
Now I am back in the good ol' Utah County.
Time for this new adventure to begin.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pride & Prejudice

"You have bewitched me body and soul, and I love...I love....I love you."
-Mr. Darcy

It just doesn't get much better than that.
Pride & Prejudice is a story that is truly timeless.
Honestly I watch this movie repeatedly
it still melts me every single time.
Like I said,
It just doesn't get better than that!

That's the Plan!

This is exactly what I am doing.
Changing it.
Cannot wait for my new adventures!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Last night together :'(

Tomorrow my dear Kassidi Nudd heads home for the holidays.
This is our last night living together.
We celebrated by carrying out Texas Roadhouse and watching Storage Wars.
Good thing friendships don't end because of distance.
Thank goodness for the technology that will keep us in touch!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Just a few more days.
I can do this.

Monday, December 12, 2011


[Dimitri and Anya are waltzing
Dimitri: That, uh, that dress looks really good on you. 
Anastasia: Do you think so? 
Dimitri: Yeah. I mean, it looked nice on the hanger but it's even better on you. Y-you, you should wear it! 
Anastasia: I *am* wearing it! 
Dimitri: Oh, oh yes, I was just, um, trying to give you a... a... 
Anastasia: Complement? 
Dimitri: Yeah. 
Vladimir: [singing] It's one, two, three/ And suddenly/ I see it at a glance/ She's radiant/ And confidant/ And born to take this chance/ I taught her well/ I planned it all/ I just forgot/ Romance/ Vlad, how could you do this?/ How will we get through this?/ I never should have let them/ Dance! 
Anastasia: I feel a little... dizzy. 
Dimitri: Kind of... light-headed? 
Anastasia: Yeah... 
Dimitri: Me too. Probably from all the spinning. 
[they stop dancing
Dimitri: Maybe we should stop. 
Anastasia: [quietly] We *have* stopped. 
Dimitri: Anya, I... 
Anastasia: Yes? 
[they lean in... 

Does it possibly get better than Anastasia?
I just don't think it does.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Enjoy it!

Live in the moment.
Life is meant to be exciting.
It is not meant to be an awful experience.
Have fun.
Don't regret.
Forgive yourself.
Enjoy the ride.
Just breathe, smile, and laugh.
It's all worth it in the end.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Today I had lunch with my roommate from last year.
When we were roommates,
We didn't necessarily see eye to eye.
We weren't really friends.
We would talk here and there.
We coexisted well enough for sure.
It has been a good 7-8 months since we lived together.
And you know what is funny?

We had a great time.
We chatted all about everything.
We got completely caught up with each other's lives.
We laughed and just enjoyed our delicious Kneaders sandwiches.
I am so glad that I ran into her on the bus the other day and that we decided to have lunch.

Growing up is a funny thing.
You learn to not care about silly pointless teenage drama.
You learn to really let bygones be bygones.
I love have moments like this.
Moments that really show that I am growing up.
Moments that show that I am growing as a person.
Growing into the woman that I want to become.
Because that really is what this life is all about.
Growing into the best people we can be.
I love seeing that I am making progress.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Simply Try.

I love when a random fortune cookie fortune is exactly what you need.
This life is to be lived to the fullest.
We are supposed to try things.
If it doesn't work out,
then we can try something else.
Try try again, right?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Gift Galore

These days most of my time is spent preparing Christmas gifts.
It's one craft after another after another.
I am loving it!
The Missionary + Companion + Another Companionship.
Stockings Made & Stuffed.
The Family Christmas Party Present.
Completed and Perfect.
My "Little Sister" Presents.
Completed and Perfect.
Roommate Christmas Gift.
Not Check.
The Motha Christmas Gift.
Not Check.
The Sister Christmas Gift.
Not Check.
Everyone Else Christmas Gift.
Not Check.

Oh Boy...
Looks like I best keep crafting away.
Gotta love Christmas!
I know I do!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Adulthood Forever!

When we were small tots we watched him on Even Stevens.

Now as Adults we drool a bit when we see his face.

When we were small tots, Harry Potter graced our lives and we all laughed at poor poor Neville...

Now as Adults, Harry Potter is over and nobody is laughing at Neville now.

Is it just me or does adulthood look A LOT better than small tot hood?
Let us all embrace adulthood.
If these pictures teach us anything,
It is that the future is bright!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Missionary Stocking!

Well Christmas is just around the corner.
The Missionary definitely needed a stocking.
Last year I just sent out a regular plain red stocking,
This year is definitely a different story.
It's his last Christmas as a missionary.
He definitely needed a fantastic stocking.
How to:
1. Buy a stocking (97 cents @ Wal-Mart)
2. Go find the Stocking outfit. (The DI was very helpful and cost efficient)
3. Cut everything to size.
4. Fold under all the edges so you have a nice clean edge.
5. Heat up the hot glue gun and glue away.

I am completely pleased with the finished product.
I hope he loves it as much as I do!

Friday, December 2, 2011

100+ Baby!

When I first decided to start a blog,
There were a few doubters.
They didn't think I would keep up with a blog.
Well now I have successfully proved them all wrong!
Happy Blogging!

Reaching out to you!

Today I feel too far away from some of my people.
I want them to know that I am here for them.
I want to be holding their hand.
I want to be there with them.
If I could be there, I promise I would be.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Fundamentals.

If only we all could be as wise as Gandhi.