Thursday, June 30, 2011


Content with the elimination.
It was their time to go.
Marko and Melanie.
Jordan and Tadd.
You four are my favorites! 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

9 & 15

9 Months ago exactly today...
The Missionary left.
9 months ago exactly today...
The Mission Field received an INCREDIBLE man.
9 months ago exactly today...
We parted ways for a bit.
In 15 months...
Good ol' Utah gets him back
...and so do I!

Keep up the good work Elder!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Concept = Mastered!

"Hard work never hurt anyone."
Now I am not sure that I agree 100% with this statement,
I get sore and am constantly covered in cuts and bruises from my place of employment.
In all seriousness though, I can say that I fully understand the concept of hard work.
My job has a fancy title but that is where the fancy starts and ends.
I get dirty from dusty machines.
I get bruises from moving and maneuvering machines.
I get sore from lifting machines over and over again.
I physically work hard every day I am on the job.
I never thought I could enjoy a job like this.
Dusty and dirty just is not normally my forte.
But you know what?
I feel so accomplished at the end of every single day.
I work for 10 hours a day.
And I do WORK for all 10 hours.
Hard work really does pay off in the end.

People, The Bachelorette last night?!!  How much do I love this season? So so much! I am so glad that Ashley FINALLY said Arrivederci* to Bentley.  Bentley, we hate you. And that is putting it nicely.  On a more positive note, however, JP!  I love JP!  JP has to win.  That is just how it is supposed to be.  He is theone. Jordan Paul you have my vote.  I sure hope that Ashley is smart enough to pick you.  Don't you just love the drama of television shows?  It is just is so much fun!  I am weak and do not know how to not partake in it!  Oh well!! <3


Sunday, June 26, 2011


The Lehi Roundup.
It comes and goes every single year.
I have gone to this rodeo ever since I can remember.
I worked at the Hospitality Booth for my fifth year in a row.
Hospitality Booth = Feeding the Cowboys!
To the Cowboys of the Lehi Roundup:
Thank you for being such gentlemen.
It always is a breath of fresh air.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Food for Thought

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world."
It's as simple as that.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Working Woman...

First day at the office.
First 10 hour day.
First cubicle.
First removal of a computer hard drive x 20
Got most of my job firsts out of the way today.
Now I'm a seasoned pro.
Anyone need an Inventory Support Specialist? :-)

Happy Monday!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Best of Times

Weekend + Best Friend = <3
Snow Cones. Check.
RedBox x 2. Check.
Cafe Rio. Check.
Rue 21. Check.
Maggie Moo's. Check.
Man, don't we know how to do a weekend right?
And that was all just on Friday.
What is today going to bring?

PS: Everyone should see the movie The Switch.  The kid in it will melt your heart!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


We as humans have so many different outlets in which we can use to express ourselves.
We are not creatures that are meant to keep everything bottled in.
We are supposed to set ourselves apart in one way or another.
The dancers on So You Think You Can Dance are the people who have inspired this post.
The way they move to the rhythm of the music is truly inspirational.
You can feel every emotion they express through simply watching them perform.
Dancing is their emotional outlet.
If only we all could find something so beautiful and elegant.
The beauty of it is, however, that we all do have something beautiful and elegant.
Singing. Writing. Running. Fencing. Painting. etc.
All of the above are beautiful and elegant.
Whatever it is that you do to emotionally release,
Remember that it is truly beautiful and elegant.
No matter what.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pure Joy

He is We.
Their music fills my soul with joy.
Every song. Every lyric.
That's all.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh Blessed Day!

I am now officially employed.
I work for the Department of Technology Services for the State of Utah.
Fancy sounding right?
I don't know much about the job other than it involves inventory and computers.
What more do I need to know right now though right?
I will find out all the details in Orientation.
All that matters is:
I found a job.
It's full time.
It's for the summer.
I am jumping for joy!
Life is full of blessings left and right.
Sometimes we just have to be patient before they manifest themselves.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Decisions Decisions

Life is constantly full of decisions.
Every single day we make decision after decision.
Most of the decisions are small like what to eat for lunch or what jeans to wear.
Those decisions can sometimes seem like a pain but they really are not too big of a deal.
It is the big decisions in life that seem to cause stress from time to time.
There is one of these big decisions that has been haunting my thoughts as of late.
What do I want to be when I grow up?
That is a question we all ponder from the time we are 3 years old.
Unfortunately, now is the time the world tells me I need to make a decision.
How on earth are we supposed to know what to do with our lives at 19 years old?
I have no idea but don't you worry I continually am trying to figure it out.
Advice from Connecticut: 
"Be patient in figuring it all out. 
Don't just jump the gun and make some spontaneous spur of the moment decision
that you might regret somewhere down the line."
Ah, the wisdom that comes from the boy in Connecticut.
Isn't it just the greatest?

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Tonight, tonight...

Tonight I worked in the kitchen at a wedding reception with the Motha.
I love going to weddings so of course I jumped at the opportunity.
You know what is funny though?
Every wedding reception I go to tends to turn into a research for my own wedding.
I look at everything and add things to my mental DO's and DON'T's lists.
Tonight was definitely no exception.
I better be careful because with all these weddings I keep going to, the list just gets longer and longer.
Don't you worry though, the more research I do, the more fantastic my wedding will be.
And yes, it will be fantastic!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Doesn't get better..

It does not matter what I look like he always thinks I look good.
If I feel rather large one day he assures me that I am not.
If I ask if I look okay he answers yes without seeing what I look like.
Today Brother said "You look cute."
Nobody is more genuine than a brother.